Katharine was mainly our researcher and we talk about what we had learned and how we had progressed with technology. She has found the use, as have I, of such mediums as online video, social networking and blogging, these mediums are all helpful for sharing, referencing and displaying information, also these tools came in very helpful for her research with such features as polls and questionnaires being easy to distribute.

Personally, being the editor of our group I have learned a wide variety of skills, including uploading videos, to share and show, sourcing elements such as music and typefaces and filming. But mainly the skills I have learned have been within Final Cut, the programme I used to edit the whole thing. I did a blog post detailing the lengthy process I went though just for a 2 second clip, you can see that here: http://asmediastudiesjoecracknell.blogspot.com/2011/03/creating-split-screen-sequence.html

I familiarised myself with the interface of the programme, aswel as the tools it holds so I could use them innovatively and efficiently. For example I used the 'bloom' effect, abnormally as a transition between our flashbacks and 'present day' scenes.

Katharine has an ear and mind for music so it was mainly her to pic out which tracks she wanted to use and why they fitted (http://katharinewood.blogspot.com/2010/11/sound-music.html) but it was my job to retrieve the tracks in MP3 form, cut them down to just the bits we wanted, edit them into the footage and correlate the video and audio. I did this by either taking the song form an internet video site, then splitting the audio away and using it, or take the MP3 from an ipod, cd, dvd or website.

Editing the video was the longest and hardest process, I cant capture just how long it took but on one occasion I did record another time lapse of me editing a part of our media project. 

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